Rotary Pub is a by students driven non-profit pub and all tasks in the organization are managed without pay.
No money? Then why should I keep reading? Ask the people who have run this pub for 40 years. In the business one meets people from a lot more diverse backgrounds than one meets in school and one gets yet more acquaintances. Since no money is involved people work simply because they find it fun and developing. Will you find it that way? You won't know until you've tried!
Most of the communication is in Swedish since mostly long-term tenants work in the pub, and most long-term tenants at Rotary are Swedish. If you are motivated this problem can certainly be minimized, though, proven by many participants over the years.
No prerequisites are demanded. You will get basic skills in kitchen and bar work and what it takes to run a business.
Come try working here! During your first shifts you will walk beside someone who will show you how the pub is run and what tasks are to be performed.
If you after your trial period decide that you want to work here we want you to be able to attend a weekly hour-long meeting, currently every Monday at 18, and that you can work one evening a week from 18.
Contact us during our open hours if you are interested or see Contact us.